SYNTHETIC ROPE 7.5 TON 12mm x 30m


Synthetic rope is made from an ultra-high molecular polyethylene material. It receives a coat of black urethane that helps protect the rope from the effects of ultra-violet rays and chemicals as two enemies of synthetic rope. *N*

SKU: 17393


Magnificently lighter than steel cable, synthetic rope doesn’t store as much energy as a steel cable does, meaning it won’t become as much of a projectile if it breaks. Being lighter than steel cable also gives it an advantage on vehicles that are sensitive to weight, especially over the front axle. Synthetic rope’s high flexibility and low weight make it much easier to handle than steel with the added benefit of not kinking the way steel cable can. Also, it won’t develop the burrs that can occur on steel cable, making it safer to handle without gloves, but careless use will cause knots.

While synthetic rope has a higher breaking strength than a comparable steel cable, that doesn’t mean it is unbreakable. However, unlike steel cable, if a synthetic line does break, it can be repaired in the field with proper braiding techniques. Synthetic line also has the advantage of floating, which could make a recovery in a mud hole or body of water easier.

Breaking Load: 10800kg
Diameter: 12mm
Length: 30m
Materials: Polyethylene, Stainless Steel

30m Synthetic Rope x 1
Winch Hook x 1